Disculpas, se trata de llagas por presión o úlceras por presión y su tratamiento puede resultar muy doloroso. Esto sucede cuando nos sentamos o permanecemos inmóviles durante largos períodos de tiempo sin movernos y puede provocar la degeneración de la piel. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos, no existen tratamientos para curar estas úlceras, pero es posible que eso esté llegando a su fin porque el apósito de hidrogel tiene un nuevo amigo. Se trata de un apósito de hidrogel fundido y es un tratamiento suave y delicado para las llagas por presión que ayuda a curarlas más rápido.
Este apósito crea un ambiente húmedo cerca de la llaga y hace que la herida cicatrice de forma sorprendente. Esto ayuda a mantener a raya la infección y no mata la piel, lo que genera una nueva capa de cutis que realmente acelera la recuperación de la llaga. Konlida Med apósito de hidrogel Actúa como un agente curativo que puede ayudar a reducir el dolor y brindar alivio a los afectados.
El apósito de hidrogel es el mejor tratamiento casero para curar las úlceras por presión y evitar que se formen. Por ejemplo, los pacientes que no pueden moverse por sí solos y están postrados en cama pueden beneficiarse si se utiliza un apósito de hidrogel para proteger su piel. Es importante porque a veces eso haría que la piel se rompa y se deteriore.
Los apósitos de hidrogel de Konlida Med también evitan que los gérmenes crezcan en la herida, lo que puede ser crucial para alguien que está enfermo o inmunodeprimido. El apósito de hidrogel no adhesivo (también conocido como no pegajoso) también lo convierte en un apósito relativamente indoloro o mínimamente traumático para muchos pacientes.
Otra ventaja del apósito de hidrogel es que se siente agradable y fresco sobre la piel. El gel es particularmente una versión suave y delicada que reducirá cualquier tipo de molestia o dolor. El Konlida Med apósito para heridas de hidrogel Son perfectos para personas sensibles o irritadas que experimentan sensibilidad en la piel debido a otros apósitos.
Hydrogeldressing Similarly, Hydrogel dressings are easier to apply and less painful upon application. It is so important because some other types of wound dressings can hurt a lot until patients or their parent are unwilling to allow healthcare providers treating the wounds they way it should be treated. Comfortable dressing leads to better patient comfort, which in-turn make them less aggressive treatment.
Además, un apósito de hidrogel contiene elementos específicos que brindan protección contra las bacterias. Como las llagas también causan una herida y, por lo tanto, pueden infectarse si no se cuidan, esto retrasará significativamente el proceso de curación. Apósitos de gel hidrofílico Ayuda a mantener el suelo húmedo y limpio, lo que permite que la curación se produzca fácilmente.
Konlida Medical's research team consists of experts from the areas of the clinical sciences, pharmacology, as well as chemical engineering. Our company has more than 20 engineering and RD personnel. We have also established solid relationships of Hydrogel dressing for pressure ulcers with a variety of hospitals and universities. We own many intellectual property assets that are owned by independent inventors and possess several national patents. Konlida Medical offers regular academic and professional discussions and training, with a focus on the advancement of the business as well as its employees. This strategy enhances the learning capacity of the organization and seeks to enhance overall staff quality. Our operational mechanism continually facilitates the transfer of knowledge into practical applications, driving both creativity and improvement within the business.
The Hydrogel dressing for pressure ulcers for beauty is escalating as society advances, and surgical treatment for scar reduction has become a major issue. Medical professionals are constantly experimenting and developing ways to minimize injuries and scarring among patients, as well as improving their skills in medicine and decreasing workload. In this sense, Konlida Medical leverages its strong innovation capabilities and flexibility in production and manufacturing to create unique products for treating wounds. We concentrate on treating and taking care for wounds by establishing strong cooperative relationships with medical facilities, and research institutions. We're dedicated to bringing the latest benefits to patients' health, offering a new era of recovery and hope.
Our business is equipped with an Class 10, 000 cleanroom as well as a Class 100,000 cleanroom. Additionally, we have the Class 10,000 lab for Hydrogel dressing for pressure ulcers along with a physical and chemical laboratory, as well as an water purification and storage system which meet the requirements of production of anaesthetic. With over 18 years of experience in the manufacturing industry and the most advanced equipment at every production stage and every stage of production, we are able to meet the diverse processing needs. Konlida Medical has passed the ISO13485 quality management system certification, ensuring that each step starting from the initial inspection of material through production control and logistics warehousing, is strictly implemented in accordance with the industry standards and regulatory requirements. This approach ensures that high-quality medical products are made.
Hydrogel dressing for pressure ulcers is a high-tech company that blends the latest in engineering medicine with clinical medicine We provide cost-effective medical products that enhance the quality of life and provide lifesaving treatments for patients Konlida Medical offers comprehensive customizations and constantly searching for needs from customers We provide optimization suggestions based upon customer usage scenarios and assist customers in improving efficiency and cutting costs simultaneously We also provide OEM/ODM services to meet the diverse processing needs of various customers We're committed to providing high-quality and innovative products that are geared towards the needs of our customers which allow us to stay on top of the medical industry
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